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Appeal And Fair Trial

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You might not be aware of the fact that your personal injury case is eligible for a trial. There are certain things that only your bicycle accident lawyer in Los Angeles is aware of and nobody else and that is actually a good thing. It is not advised to disclose these facts to everyone you meet. Yours might be one of the very few cases that actually make it to a trial. Things will change if it does and in case you are not happy with the verdict, your Los Angeles personal injury attorney will advise you to make an appeal.

What Is An Appeal?

An appeal is simply a process that will allow you to ask your court to overturn what the jury has decided. Basically you will be asking him to overrun the jury’s decision which is acceptable in several cases. In most cases, it is advised by your Los Angeles personal injury attorney to ask a higher court for an appeal. They will review the judgment and overturn it. Sometimes it may call for you to make the request to the existing court directly. When you apply to a higher court for the review you will have to tell them why you think the verdict was wrong. You will typically get 30 days (from the date of the judgment) to file an appeal

Did You Know You Can Also Request For Another Trial?

Yes, your bicycle accident lawyer in Los Angeles upon your request and basing on the outcome of the case can file a motion for a new trial. This request will typically go to the same court that conducted your trial before that. To be able to ask for a new trial, there are special cases or situations and some of them are listed below:

  • If there has been any misconduct by the jury or there is enough reason to believe that there was a misconduct in your case

  • In case of any misconduct by the other side too you can request for an appeal

  • When new evidence comes to light

  • When there has been a clear mistake of the law

  • Or maybe you could face any other issue as well that may have kept you from having a fair trial



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